Rabu, 16 November 2011

Governance in the field of Import

Legal Basis

    Law No. 10 of 1995 concerning Customs as amended by Act No. 17 of 2006;
    Kep. MOF Reg. 453/KMK.04/2002 on Customs Procedures in Import, as amended several times, most recently by Kep. MOF Reg. 112/KMK.04/2003;
    Kep. No DJBC. KEP-07/BC/2003 on Implementation Guidelines on Import Customs Procedures which have been amended by Regulation No. DJBC. P-42/BC/2008.


is everything related to the monitoring of traffic of goods that enter or exit customs area as well as the collection of import duties and export duties.


Activities include goods into the customs area

Customs Area

is the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, which covers land, waters, and airspace above it, as well as certain places in the Exclusive Economic Zone and continental shelf in which the Customs Act applies.

Goods entered into the customs area are treated as GOODS IMPORTED and Duty payable

Customs Region

is a region with certain limits in at seaports, airports, or other place specified for goods traffic was entirely under the supervision of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise.

Imported for use:

    Goods into the customs area for the purpose of use, or
    Goods into the customs area to be owned or controlled by persons who are domiciled in Indonesia.

Import expenditure requirement for the use of submission:

    Customs Declaration and paid import duty and Emergency Government;
    Customs declaration and assurance, or
    Customs documents and collateral.


    RED LINE, the process of service and supervision of imported goods by physical inspection and document verification before issuance of Letter of Approval for Expenditures (SPPB);
    GREEN LANE, is the process of care and supervision of imported goods with no physical examination, but the research conducted after the issuance of Letter of Approval document Expenditures (SPPB);
    YELLOW LINE, the process of service and supervision of imported goods with no physical examination, but do research papers before publishing SPPB;
    LANE MITA Non-Priority;
    LANE Priority MITA.

Red line criteria:

    New importers;
    Importers are included in the high risk category (high risk importers);
    Temporary import of goods;
    Goods Petroleum Operations (BOP) class II;
    Re-import of goods;
    Subject to random inspection;
    Certain imported goods are set by the Government;
    Imported goods are included in the high-risk commodities and / or derived from high-risk countries.

Green line criteria:

    Importers and importation are not included in the criteria referred to in the red line criteria

Priority lane criteria:

    Importer Importer defined as priority lane

Customs inspection:

    Red Line document verification and physical inspection of goods;
    Green Line is only done research documents;
    Priority lane customs inspection not performed, as was done for the red or green lines.

Physical examination:

    Regular inspection
        P-07/BC/2007 on Imports of goods Physical Examination
    Examination with Hi-co scan tool X-ray
        KEP 97/BC/2003
    Affirmation DJBC (attached)
    Examination in the field / warehouse Importers
        P-07/BC/2007 on Imports of goods Physical Examination

Physical Examination of Goods

    There are 4 levels of physical examination:
        Depth - items are checked 100%
        Medium - 30% checked items
        Low - 10% checked items
        Very low - checked items in the warehouse Importers (importer priority lane)
    physical examination performed by memeiksa goods evenly according to% overall examination of the goods.


Ordinary payments:

    all payments are made in the Perception Exchange Bank
    Customs payments are only allowed in the case of
        There is no perception of foreign banks
        For imported goods the crew of the carrier, cross border passenger and freight.

Customs Notification

        Packing List
        Bill of Lading / Airway bill
        Insurance policy
        Evidence Pay BM and Emergency Government (SSPCP)
        Power of Attorney, if Notifier PPJK

Licensing / Business Administration

        Attached to the subject (importers), for example NPIK
        Attached to objects (goods) such permission ML (outside food) from FDA
    General principle: Permission must exist at the time the importer filed a PIB
    For the priority lane, because no physical examination of documents and in front, then the license is deemed to have fulfilled.