Senin, 13 Mei 2013

4 The State Customs as a suspected drug supplier

Total population of 200 million people is one reason dibidiknya Indonesia by international drug syndicates. This is evidenced by the frequent revelations of drug smuggling into Indonesia.

Head of Regional Office of Enforcement and Investigation Customs Jakarta, Hatta Ward, said there are several countries that allegedly as a drug supplier.

"Those countries are the Netherlands, Malaysia, India and Thailand," said Hatta in his office, Thursday (11/4).

It will always be suspicious if there are incoming shipment of four countries. Meanwhile, Sub Air interdiction and Ports National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Suwanto, adding drug syndicates usually take advantage of women who had met to take the drug package shipped from overseas.

The modus operandi is to make friends with the woman via BlackBerry Messenger (BBM). "Well that was familiar then roped asked to please take a drug package," he said.

Therefore, he advised the public to be wary of strangers. Moreover, if the introduction is only through cyberspace.

"Just had warned-warned and always alert," the message.

Import related services in accordance with API Permendag number 45/M-DAG/PER/9/2009

In connection with the expiry of the API-U,-P API, APIT and APIT imposed as API-U or APIT-U published before 2010 on December 31, 2010,

    Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Trade of Indonesia number 45/M-DAG/PER/9/2009 on Importer Identity Number (API), has determined that:
        Imports can only be done by importers who have had Importer Identification Number (API), unless the goods or certain conditions.
        API-U,-P API, APIT and APIT imposed as API-U or APIT-U published before 2010 expires on December 31, 2010.
    Regulation of the Minister of Finance based on the number of Importer Registration 124/PMK.04/2007 as amended by Regulation of the Minister of Finance 220/PMK.04/2008 numbers, it is stated that Customs Identification Number (VIN) can be blocked if the API / APIT expired enactment.
    According importer registration database known that ahead of the deadline until December 31, 2010 is still quite a lot of importers who already has a new API, but have not done / are still in the process of updating the database importer.
    Pay attention to the things mentioned above and to anticipate delays in customs activities by importers who have a new API, informed that starting from January 1, 2011 service of import activities will be carried out with respect to the following matters:
        Imports can be served on the importer based Computerized System Import Service has issued API by Regulation of the Minister of Trade of Indonesia 45/M-DAG/PER/9/2009 numbers.
        In case an importer based Computerized System Import Service does not have a published API by Regulation of the Minister of Trade of Indonesia number 45/M-DAG/PER/9/2009, imports can be served throughout the importers can show proof of APIs published by the Minister of Trade Regulation number 45 / M-DAG/PER/9/2009, until the date of March 31, 2011. Imports can not be served on the importer based Systems
        Computerized Import Service does not have a published API by Regulation of the Minister of Trade and 45/M-DAG/PER/9/2009 numbers can not show proof of API issued by the Minister of Trade Regulation number 45/M-DAG/PER/9/2009 . This was conveyed, to the attention of you.

Thus we submit.
INSW Preparation Team

Download file Notice No. 21 of 2010.pdf

Full implementation (mandatory) System National Single Window (NSW) Export

Regarding to the schedule and the NSW system and the corresponding stages of Presidential Instruction No. 1 of 2010, the system carried NSW Export full implementation in 5 (five) major ports

Director General of Customs and Excise, assign the application in full at:

     Main Office of Customs and Excise Type A Tanjung Priok, starting on August 5, 2010
     Office of Surveillance and Customs Service Type Madya Tanjung Emas, starting on June 17, 2010
     Office of Surveillance and Customs Service Type Madya Belawan, starting on July 15, 2010
     Office of Surveillance and Customs Service Type Madya Tanjung Perak, starting on January 18, 2010
     Office of Surveillance and Customs Service Type Madya Soekarno Hatta, starting on 23 September 2010

To learn more please download KEP-50/BC/2010.pdf

Working visit of the Economy and the Minister / Head of Tanjung related to Pirok (Launch Auto Gate System JITC)

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs M. Hatta Rajasa and the Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Heads of Institutions related undertake working visit on Monday, January 21, 2013 in Port of Tanjung Priok.

Working visits were intended to make the discussion of the Working Team Sislognas bigwin related decline in dwelling time and lowering costs at the port, conduct a review and check directly to the field, and simultaneously do the inauguration of the "Implementation of Auto Gate System in JICT" as well as the preparation and review of operational "Place Integrated Physical Examination (TPFT) at CDC Banda and Graha Segara ".

Also present at the Working Visit to Tanjung Priok, Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo, Trade Minister Gita Wiryawan, Transportation Minister EE Mangindaan, Minister for National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas Armida Alisjahbana, Minister of Industry, MS Hidayat, Minister of Agriculture Suswono, along with the Deputy Minister and Head of Agency / organization, especially with regard to Team Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) and the National Logistics System Team (Sislognas).

One of the strategic efforts to support the logistic-efficiency is lowered dwelling time [the time required size container imports, since the container is unloaded from the ship (berthing) up to the exit of the port area or (gate-out)]. According to the results of the survey indicate that the dwelling time at Tanjung Priok during the years 2011 - 2012 was the day ranged between 4.7 s / d 6.7 days.

To that end, various efforts and initiatives undertaken in the lower dwelling time in Tanjung Priok, among others: a). Application of "Auto Gate System (Automatic Door Systems) in JICT", which was a breakthrough for improving the speed of service revenues and expenditures in the container door (Gate) port area (TPS) which is under the management of the JITC (Jakarta International Container Terminal), b). Preparation and review of operational "The Integrated Physical Examination (TPFT) at CDC and at Graha Segara Banda", which is a joint effort between the Customs Quarantine to perform a physical examination of goods in an integrated manner, thereby increasing the speed of service, c). "Implementation of Integrated Cargo Release (i-CaRe) System, through Operation CargoLink in TPK Koja", which electronically integrating all services related to post-approval expenditure outlay of BC (post-clearance).

Implementation of Auto Gate System at JITC is the development of the Portal INSW feature, which has been planned since 2010. However, the physical construction of a modern and ideal Gate-In/Gate-Out can not be implemented until now, because of constrained land acquisition.
With the implementation of this system, the service at the Door (Gate) which used to be done manually by 2 Officers (BC and JITC) at every door, in the future there will be no attendant at the door, all done automatically and controlled through Customs Control Room.

Another thing is the availability of an integrated physical inspection of goods between the Customs and Quarantine in TPFT, which is expected to be able to increase the speed of service, ensure safety, provide adequate facilities and comfort in the process of physical examination of goods, also directed that the examination can be done 7X24 hours and not disrupted by weather conditions.

Implementation of Integrated Cargo Release (i-CaRe) System which is an innovative development of the NSW system, and implemented in TPK Koja with CargoLink operating system, will provide a significant reduction in the time post-clearance process. According to the testimony of one of the Importer / Exporter biggest PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN), that the application has been a decline CargoLink time dwelling time is significant, from rata2 about 4 s / d 5 days per shipment, to about 40 minutes per container or + / - 23 hours 20 minutes per shipment ( Rata2 per shipment of 35 containers). Also primarily a decline in the cost, which can save logistics costs in the form of port storage costs around USD 3,432 per month.

Ultimately expected efforts and strategic steps that have been and will be done by the Government to reduce the dwelling time at Tanjung Priok and will be continued in other ports, will improve service efficiency and effectiveness of monitoring the traffic of goods exports and imports, lowering logistics costs, facilitate the flow of goods, and eventually will be able to improve national competitiveness. In addition, to prepare themselves in order to achieve the targets of ASEAN logistics integration in 2013, the integration of the ASEAN market in 2015, and the integration of global markets in 2020.

The Government will continue to expand the development of the electronic system of bureaucratic services (automation service system), and encourage the development of system integration among government agencies like this, to a variety of other public service functions. This effort is expected to improve the efficiency of services that promote the competitiveness of the national economy, improve the effectiveness of monitoring transactions and economic activities of the community, and meet the commitments in the framework of regional and international cooperation.

Dozens Gather Diskoperindag Exporter

Bogor, Pelita About 60 exporters as Bogor regency following the introduction of a system of socialization issue certificate of origin (SKA) electronics. Activity was the result of collaboration between the Department of Cooperatives, SMEs, Industry and Trade (Diskoperindag) and Ministry of Trade.

In the socialization, the SKA automation system in place since 2006 will be replaced by electronic SKA system began in January 2012. It was in accordance with the Presidential Decree No. 11 Year 2011 concerning the commitment of ASEAN economic community blueprint. Where, improvements were also made ​​to support the implementation of the ASEAN Single Window which will begin to be implemented in January 2012.

Kasi Diskoperindag Foreign Trade, Sijabat Jona said, the system is the electronic SKA SKA publishing system based internet network. Ie, with emphasis SKA processing by exporters themselves or self-assessment, where institutions issuing SKA (IPSK) or the government acting as an approver, the signatory, as well as more work overseeing the self-assessment by exporters.

Furthermore Jona said, with this new system, SKA publishing services to exporters will be effective, efficient, independent and transparent.

A number of the things that distinguishes the electronic systems of automation systems SKA SKA SKA electronic systems including not require sophisticated hardware, but enough internet access, the maintainance and update centralized system and shorten the issuance of SKA.
In addition, the SKA is processed by the model self-assessment by exporters thus reducing the workload, said Jona.

KPPT Jababeka Officially Opened

KOMPAS / Orin BASUKI port without territorial waters or Dry Port was built in Cikarang, Bekasi are now getting new facilities integrated into the Integrated Customs Services Region (KPPT). Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa formalize this KPPT (Saturday, August 28, 2010) that in the end will hopefully reduce the burden of Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta is expected soon to experience over-capacity (available capacity is not able to accommodate the surge in container).

JAKARTA, - Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa came Jababeka Industrial Estate, Cikarang, Bekasi to open Region Integrated Customs Services (KPPT). Thus, an additional completeness Jababeka allowing its port became one spoke or feeder ports in Indonesia.
Thus obtained official publication Kompas, Saturday (28/08/2010). Together with Hatta, also attended Transportation Minister Freddy Numberi, Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo, Trade Minister Mari Elka Pangestu, Minister of Public Works Djoko Kirmanto, Industry Minister MS Hidayat, Minister of State Owned Enterprises Mustafa Abubakar, and Environment Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta.
Also planned to attend the Agriculture Minister Suswono, Deputy Trade Minister Mahendra Siregar, Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo, Governor of West Java, Achmad Heryawan, Head of Investment Coordinating Board Gita Wirjawan, and Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Lambok V Nahattan.
Additionally, sitting in the same group of North Director of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Ignatius Jonan, Managing Director of IPC II Jakarta Richard Jose Lino, president director of PT Telkom Rinaldi and Firman. Furthermore, the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Deputy Industry and Trade Edy Putra Irrawaddy, Deputy Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs and Regional Development Infrastructure Lucky Eko, and the Director General of Customs and Excise Thomas Sugijata.
The basic principle is the hubspoke KPPT in the completion of customs, which is functioning as a collector of the port (hub) and the other as a feeder port (spoke). Jababeka area is the area spoke, while Port of Tanjung Priok is the hubs. KPPT itself is a draft reform of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, which offers a solution to Indonesia for an industrial park.
PT Kawasan Industri Jababeka, Tbk established under the Act (the Act) Domestic Investment No. 6 of 1968 as amended by Act No. 12 of 1970. The scope of activities of the company include businesses in the following industries throughout the region supporting facilities within the meaning of the broadest, among others, the construction of homes, apartments, offices, shops, construction management and installation of water, sewage, telephone and electricity, as well as the means Another necessary to support the management of the industrial area.
Also including the provision of sports facilities and leisure in the industrial area, as well as export and import the goods necessary for efforts related to the development and management of industrial estates. The Company is located in Bekasi and subsidiaries domiciled in Bekasi and Jakarta

How long does it take to accomplish customs formalities if I want to import goods to Indonesia

How long does it take to accomplish customs formalities if I want to import goods to Indonesia?

Time consumed to accomplish import for home use from receiving Import Declaration until channel determination is not more than 4 working hour.

case that the goods have to pass the red channel, physical examination must be conducted in 12 working hours since receiving Import Declaration, and Releasing Approval Letter must be issued in 48 working hours since receiving Import Declaration, except in certain circumstance

May I bring cigarette and alcoholic beverages into Indonesia

May I bring cigarette and alcoholic beverages into Indonesia?

Each person may bring cigarette and alcoholic beverages into Indonesia in a limited amount as follows : Maximum 200 pieces of cigarettes or 50 pieces of cigars  or  200 grams of sliced tobacco; and Maximum 1 liter alcoholic beverages and perfume in a proper  amount or that limited aforementioned amount you shall not pay Import Duty and Excise and other levies.

Shall I declare the amount of cash money that I bring into Indonesia

Shall I declare the amount of cash money that I bring into Indonesia?

The obligation to declare the amount of money to Indonesian Customs is only imposed when you bring in or out money IDR 100.000.000 or more, or other currencies equal to that amount

Shall I pay Import Duty for goods that I bring into Indonesia

Shall I pay Import Duty for goods that I bring into Indonesia?

Passengers goods is exempted from Import Duty and other import levies, if the amount less than FOB USD 250 for each person or less than FOB USD 1,000 for each family If the amount is more than aforementioned amount, the passenger shall pay Import Duty and other import levies for the difference. Foreign passengers goods such as camera, video camera, radio cassette, binocular, laptop, or cellular phone, that will be used during stay in Indonesia and will be brought back when leaving for Indonesia also get the exemption.



·    Imported goods with customs value exceeding the limit for exemption of import duty and / or the excisable goods exceeding the provisions of excise exemption;

·   animal, fish, and plant including their derivative products;

·   narcotics, psychotropics, drugs, fire arms, air guns, sharp weapon, ammunition, explosive material, pornographic goods / publication;

·   cinematographic movie, recorded video tape, video laser disc or phonograph record;

·   bank notes, in Rupiah or other foreign currency with value of Rp. 100,000,000. 00 (one hundred million rupiah) or more.


·   Grant an approval to release the goods in case of the passenger passes through the green channel, or perform physical examination in case of the passenger passes through the red channel.

·   In case of suspicion, customs officer may perform examination toward goods of passenger or crew of means of transport going through green channel.


·  Goods which belong to a passenger and arrive with the passenger must be declared by using Customs Declaration (CD).

·  Customs Declaration must be filled in completely and correctly. Verbal Declaration may be performed at certain places* designated by Director General of Customs and Excise.

·  Passenger or crew of means of transport must proceed to red channel if bringing:

a.    Imported goods with customs value exceeding the limit and/or the provisions of excise exemption;

b.    Animal, fish, and plant including their derivative products;

c.    Narcotics, psychotropics,drugs, fire arms, air guns, sharp weapons, ammunition,explosive material, pornographic goods/publicatiion;

d.   Cinematographic movie, recorded video tape, video laser disc, or pornographic record;

e.    Bank notes, in rupiah or other currency with value of Rp. 100,000,000.00 (one hundred million rupiah) or more;

f.    Commercial goods.

·  Passenger or crew of means of transport must proceed to green channel if not bringing any imported goods as mentioned above.


·  Passenger’s personal goods with customs value not exceeding FOB USD 250.00 for each person or FOB USD 1,000.00 for a family.

·  Excisable goods of adult passenger’s personal goods with maximum amount of 200 pieces of cigarettes, 25 pieces of cigars or 100 grams of minced tobacco and 1 liter of alcoholic beverages.

·  Goods of crew of means of transport with customs value not exceeding FOB USD 50.00 for each arrival.

·  Excisable goods of crew of means of transport with maximum amount of 40 pieces of cigarettes, 10 pieces of cigars or 40 grams of minced tobacco and 350 milliliters of alcoholic beverages.


Passenger’s personal goods are goods brought by every person who passes the border of a country by using means of transport, not including goods brought by crew of means of transport or border crossers.


·   Passenger’s personal goods are goods brought by every person who passes the border of a country by using means of transport, not including goods brought by crew of means of transport or border crossers.

·   The ownership of passenger’s personal goods which arrive before or after the arrival of the passenger shall be proven by passenger’s passport and boarding pass.

·  Goods of crew of means of transport are goods which are brought by every person who,due to the nature of his job,must be inside the means of transport and arrive with the means of transport.

·  Customs Declaration (CD) is a declaration onthe goods brought by passenger or crew of means of transport.


Consignment goods with maximum value of FOB USD 50,00 (fifty US Dollar) for every person per shipment is granted exemption of import duty and import related taxes.

Consignment goods means goods consigned by certain consigners abroad to certain consignees in the country.


    Consignment goods with maximum value of FOB USD 50, 00 (fifty US Dollar) for every person per shipment is granted exemption of import duty and import related taxes.
    If the customs value exceedsUSD 50,00, the excess shall be subject to import duty and import related taxes.


    Postal goods shall be declared to customs and shall only be released with the approval of customs.
    Importedgoods consigned via post office or courier service are subject to document verification and physical examination.
    Physical examination shall be witnessed by postal and courier service officer.
    Customs determinesthe tariff and customs value and calculatesthe import duty and import related taxes that should be paid. If there are more than 3 types of goods, the highest tariff of the goodsshall be used as the basis for the tariff determination
    Consignment goods are deliveredto the owner of the goods after the import duty and import related taxes have been paidand approved by customs officer.

Export declaration is a statement made by a person to fulfill customs formalities for export in the form of written documents or electronic data


-       Law No. 17 of 2006 on The Amendment of Law No. 10 of 1995 on Customs.

-       Minister of Finance Decree No. 145/PMK.04/2007 on Customs Regulation for Export.

-       Director General Decree No. P-40/BC/2008 jo. P-06/BC/2009 jo. P-30/BC/2009 jo. P-27/BC/2010 on Customs Procedure for Export.

-       Director General Decree No. P-41/BC/2008 on Export Declaration


o   Export means activities to take goods out of customs territory.

o   Exported Goods means goods taken out of customs territory.

o   Exporter means a person who takes goods out of customs territory.

o   Export declaration (PEB) is a statement made by a person to fulfill customs formalities for export in the form of written documents or electronicdata. Form and content of the export declaration are regulated by the Minister of Finance c.q. Director General of Customs and Excise.

o   Export Approval Note (Nota Pelayanan Ekspor), then abbreviated NPE, means a note issued by Export Document Examination Officer or Service Computer System for the submitted PEB to cover the entry of goods into customs area and/ or the loading onto means of transport.

o   Customs Office means an office of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise at whichcustoms formalities are fulfilled.

o   Customs area means an area with specified boundaries at the seaports, airports, or other places assigned for traffic of goods that are fully controlled by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise.


-     Exporter shall declare goods to be exported at Customs Office of loading by submitting PEB completed with complementary documents.

-     PEB shall be submitted at the earliest  7 days prior to the estimated date of exportation and at the latest prior to the entry of the goods into customs area.

-     Customs complementary documents:

§  Invoice and packing list

§  Receipt of PNBP

§  Receipt of export duty (if any)

§  Obligatory document issued by other agencies (where the goods are subject to prohibition and restriction regulation)

-     PEB may be submitted by the exporter or customs broker (PPJK)

-     Where electronic data interchange (EDI) is implemented, exporter/customs broker shall submit PEB  by using the customs EDI system.


·         Export without submitting customs declaration is subject to imprisonment at the minimum of 1 year and maximum of 10 years and penalty at the minimum of fifty million rupiah and maximum of five billion rupiah.

·         Submitting incorrect, false or forged customs declaration is subject to imprisonment at the minimum of 2 years and maximum of 8 years and penalty at the minimum of one hundred million rupiah and maximum of five billion rupiah.

·         Not submitting or late in submitting export cancellation is subject to administrative fine of five million rupiah.

·         Submitting incorrect type and/or amount of goods is subject to administrative fine at the minimum of 100% of the underpaid export duty and maximum of 1,000% of the underpaid export duty.



1.    Exporter/customs broker submits PEB completed with complementary documents (DOKAP) to Customs Office at port of loading.

2.    Document examination includes:

·      Whether or not the exporter/customs broker is banned

·      Customs complimentary documents

·      Conformity between PEB and complementary documents, receipt of PNBP and export duty (if any)

-     If complete and conformed, proceed to examination of prohibition and restriction regulation.

-     If not complete and not conformed, Reject Note (NPP) is issued.

3.    Examination onprohibition and/or restriction regulation:

·         If fulfilled, NPE is issued.

·         If not fulfilled, Note on required document is issued (NPPD).

4.    Physical examination:

·         If not required, NPE is issued.

·         If required, Notification for Physical Examination (PPB) is issued.

5.    Result of physical examination on export goods:

·         If conformed, NPE is issued.

If not conformed, goods are subject to further examination.