Senin, 13 Mei 2013

Dozens Gather Diskoperindag Exporter

Bogor, Pelita About 60 exporters as Bogor regency following the introduction of a system of socialization issue certificate of origin (SKA) electronics. Activity was the result of collaboration between the Department of Cooperatives, SMEs, Industry and Trade (Diskoperindag) and Ministry of Trade.

In the socialization, the SKA automation system in place since 2006 will be replaced by electronic SKA system began in January 2012. It was in accordance with the Presidential Decree No. 11 Year 2011 concerning the commitment of ASEAN economic community blueprint. Where, improvements were also made ​​to support the implementation of the ASEAN Single Window which will begin to be implemented in January 2012.

Kasi Diskoperindag Foreign Trade, Sijabat Jona said, the system is the electronic SKA SKA publishing system based internet network. Ie, with emphasis SKA processing by exporters themselves or self-assessment, where institutions issuing SKA (IPSK) or the government acting as an approver, the signatory, as well as more work overseeing the self-assessment by exporters.

Furthermore Jona said, with this new system, SKA publishing services to exporters will be effective, efficient, independent and transparent.

A number of the things that distinguishes the electronic systems of automation systems SKA SKA SKA electronic systems including not require sophisticated hardware, but enough internet access, the maintainance and update centralized system and shorten the issuance of SKA.
In addition, the SKA is processed by the model self-assessment by exporters thus reducing the workload, said Jona.

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